Leavenworth Hotel Deals & Offers
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Enhance your stay with one of the exceptional deals and offers now available at Sleeping Lady Mountain Resort. Whether you’re visiting our hotel for a relaxed getaway, a productive business gathering or a joyful wedding celebration, we’re sure to have a package that’s perfect for you. Explore our deals and begin planning your trip to Leavenworth.
Partnership with Icicle Creek Center for the Arts
Icicle Creek Center for the Arts was founded in 1995 by Harriet Bullitt, an entrepreneur and ardent supporter of the arts and environmental conservation, with the help of Wilfred Woods, long-time publisher of The Wenatchee World, the region’s family-owned daily newspaper. The founders envisioned a center for the arts in the picturesque foothills of Washington State’s Cascade Range. They focused their efforts on creating a place dedicated to excellence in the performing arts, an appreciation of nature and the synergy between the environment and the arts.
They called the organization the Icicle Creek Music Center and hosted its first annual Chamber Music Festival in 1995 in the Chapel Theater, a renovated church on the property of the Sleeping Lady Mountain Resort, a mountain retreat and conference facility that Bullitt had been developing since 1991 and opened that same year.
Today, Icicle Creek Center for the Arts hosts more than 100 performances a year and year-round educational programs for young and old. Artists, audiences and students escape the everyday grind with exceptional performances, festivals, camps, retreats, community events and classes that draw more than 15,000 people through the Center every year.
To support the rapid growth, the non-profit has been busily diversifying its base of support, reaching out to arts lovers in Seattle, expanding its grant and donor base and introducing new fundraising initiatives.
As a guest at Sleeping Lady Mountain Resort you are welcome to use the promo 'SLMR' for a discount on select shows at Icicle Creek Center for the Arts performances. Discounts are based on availability at the time of booking.